Saturday, October 18, 2008

Angels amoung us.......Thank you.....

Have you ever had the distinct impression that you were being watched over and protected? Have you ever prayed and had your prayers answered when you said amen? Well we have as a family.
Although I will never know in this life who the angels are that were keenly aware of our needs, I do know that we are truly blessed and say thank you with every part of my soul. Words cannot describe the feelings of gratitude that we have as a family.
All things happen for a reason. It is hard to say at this time exactly why we are tested in the ways we are. What I can do is promise to pay it forward one day when we are able.

To our guardian angels.........You answered our prayers in more ways than one. Because of that I am eternally grateful.......Duane


Tiffany said...

I feel those angels too Duane--here and on the other side of the veil. We are so blessed. We love you guys! Thanks for being angels in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I was Googling my own name and I see that you guys know somebody named Jenniper. That is so weird . . .I am 34 years old and I was hoping that I was the only one . . .too late to patent my name :)



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