This is my rocket. My bike times have improved quite a bit over last year. I wish my body were as fast as this bike.
Me and my sweetheart. What would I do with out her.
Wow, Morgan will be a senior this year. She wants mom and dad to flip the bill for a car for her senior year. Ouch.
Jaden has cut his hair since this photo and still looks great. He doesn't think so but mom and dad do.
Emmory is daddy's little girl but she is not so little anymore.
Taggert started kindergaten last week. He loves it. Jen got him taking swimming lessons a couple of weeks ago and now he has grown gills.
Our panoramic family.

Morgan and Mom before the big dance. Jen is looking at the hot mailman that just dropped off the mail.

Ellie Mae. The best dog in the world.

Just ask dad what came first. The Easter Bunny or the egg.
Moab Half Marathon in 2007

Bluffridge 5K 2008